3D Scanning
A good start. A good start.
We bring your prototypes into the third dimension – with tactile and touchless 3D measurement. Using reference points, we are able to position a prototype within a system of virtual coordinates. With the scan data that this generates, we then create STL files for a variance analysis using your own design data. The result? Precise section maps for your customer presentation or to help in the next stage of development. All delivered to short timelines.
With our mobile 3D scanner, we are even able to work in your facilities. Thanks to our conversion tools, we can work with all common data formats and – if necessary – we can adapt your data so that its production ready. For automotive and aircraft customers, we have corresponding data exchange.
arrow DocumentsWe provide secure data lines to ensure the problem-free uploading of specifications for your spec sheets, part fact sheets and CAD data. -
arrow DeadlinesThings can go quickly: we are able to fulfill even short turnaround times, working with you to determine order priorities. -
arrow CostsIn the bid phase you’ll see that we are open to negotiations that will give you the best price possible. It’s a principle of ours to optimize costs and offer attractive terms to all our clients.
arrow Tactile MeasurementsWe capture all important data sets related to your component’s tactility. -
arrow Optical MeasurementsPrecise and complete: we scan the entire surface of your component. -
arrow Mobile MeasurementsWith our mobile measurement technology, we can carry out these processes anywhere. In this way, we are able to take optical or tactile measurements of your design models, prototypes, tools and other components worldwide. -
arrow Measurement LaboratoryWe can take optical or tactile measurements of your design models, prototypes, tools and other components in our measurement laboratory. And always in standard atmospheric conditions.
Data Processing
arrow Reverse EngineeringWe can generate a complete 3D-CAD dataset of your reference object by taking a 3D scan. Using this data, you will be able to construct this element’s component parts. Surface reconstruction of freeform surfaces is also possible using this technique. -
arrow 3D Quality ControlAll data captured from your reference object is subjected to a variance analysis. A process which continues through the stages of development.
Data Provision
arrow Secure Data ExchangeYour construction data are sent over secure data lines. soft trim’s procedures for the handling of sensitive data have been certified as meeting Operation Services Standards for the information class “Secret Data and Prototypes”. We are also a member organization of TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange). -
arrow Data PreparationWe will make your data sets available to you in the desire format.